How to change KM on a Kia Cerato year 2010 using carprog.
Remove dashboard IC from the car
Open it and find internal EEPROM memory, select same from the list
Use carprog A4, A5 or A6 (due to situation) adapter to connect to EEPROM
In some cases you will need to remove (desolder) EEPROM from the board
Open carprog software, select mileage function->KIA->AutoDetect-> select eeprom
type from list;93C66,93LC66 16bit
Press Next
Select denso type and double click to open it
You can read and save EEPROM first
Enter mileage value you desire to change and press “Write KM”
Change KM success. Read KM again
If carprog prompts “no mileage found”, go back to selection menu, Press Next, denso type and read again. It will display new odometer.
Resolder the eeprom back to dashboard. Check the new mileage.