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How to Fix Autel XP400 Pro if Bricked?

Your Autel XP400/XP400 Pro programmer will burn if connecting it to obd instead of connecting the J2534 to the obd cable.


How to repair XP400 if burned?

Way 1: Send back to your dealer for repair. Usually, it is free under the warranty.

Way 2: DIY repair.

Here is the customer solution. Just for sharing purpose. You are at your risk.  Once it out of the box you can’t get it back in.

One of locksmith friends had this experience which ended pretty good. This is a fix when it has already burned out.

“Pulled the Xp400 apart and found this surface capacitor burnt (47Uf power supply filter). Replaced it with another capacitor from an old broken Ford Falcon ecu and surprisingly its working all well. Just incase someone does it in future, you can fix it yourself.”

The 47uF capacitor is the part that probably fail in that particular case. Causing the magic smoke to escape from the xp400.


Repair Autel XP400 Pro if Bricked 1


Repair Autel XP400 Pro if Bricked 2


Repair Autel XP400 Pro if Bricked 3


Repair Autel XP400 Pro if Bricked 4


You can solder a diode parallel to this Tantalum capacitor to prevent reverse current (short circuit).

Repair Autel XP400 Pro if Bricked 5

The better way is to prevent XP400 from burning.  Don’t connect XP400/XP400 Pro via OBD directly.

Tip is use a good 12v/13v max power supply -not AC/DC switch mode.

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